

How to Choose Thermal Spraying Technology

Thermal spraying technology is the most effective, economical and direct method to enhance surface function and process parameters in the field of engineering and mechanical surface. Surface types that can be improved and improved by therm...


What are the differences between spray welding

The combination of spray coating and spray welding layer with base metal is different. The exothermic chemical reaction occurs when the nickel-clad aluminium is heated by spray flame beam, and the micro-metallurgical bonding bottom layer a...


Under what conditions can spray welding be used?

Spray welding is to reheat the preheated self-soluble alloy powder coating to 1000-1300 C, melt the particles, float the slag onto the surface of the coating, and disperse the boride and silicide in the coating, so as to achieve good bondi...


What should we pay attention to when choosing cable machinery

When choosing wire and cable, attention should be paid to the selection of wire and cable types and specifications (conductor cross section). 1. Selection of Wire and Cable Types When choosing wires and cables, consideration should be give...


Mechanical Damage Caused by Mechanical Turning of Cables

Due to the large external diameter of mechanical power cables, it is difficult to transport and lay them, and the requirement for turning radius of power cables is stricter. In the construction of power cable, if the turning angle is too l...

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